Welcome to Money Seeds!

A personal finance blog discussing saving, investing, and sustainability so you can get the most out of money.

Grow your financial literacy and money mindset. I ask the dumb questions as I try to get better at saving and growing my wealth.


Being a young person in Australia today is more challenging than ever, with inflation, education costs, stagnant wage growth and skyrocketing housing prices and rentals. It's more important than ever to learn about financial literacy.

In your twenties, it's tempting to delay saving for the future, but starting early offers significant advantages. For instance, if you invest $1 in your superannuation fund in your twenties, it could grow to $16 by age 70. In contrast, the same $1 invested in your thirties would be worth only $8 by age 70. The power of compound interest means your money can grow significantly over time. Before you can start investing, though, you need to focus on saving, and that's where we come in.

About Me

I used to have such a poor money mindset, convinced I wasn't capable of understanding personal finance, which unfortunately became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I fell into the trap of overspending, justifying purchases to keep up with what everyone else was doing and thinking Iā€™d earn more in the future. But now, I'm on a journey to escape the rat race. I've learned that true happiness doesn't come from material possessions; instead, it's about intentional living and saving towards meaningful goals

In today's world, it often feels like everyone is trying to sell you something. That's why I'm here to motivate and encourage you to save money, while learning alongside you.

It took me a while to realise I could do hard things, I returned to university to study my Masters in Accounting in my late 20s when it felt like everyone was having families, progressing in their careers or travelling. While everyones path looks different, I had to learn to stop worrying what other people thought and take my own path.

The first step toward financial success is believing in yourself. Once you have that belief, achieving your goals becomes more attainable. Join me on this journey of financial empowerment and personal growth.