25 Things I've Learned by 25
The secret to success is found in your daily routine; it's those small (and simple) everyday habits that help get you close to a bigger goal. A good routine will save you so much mental brainpower. I have YouTubers like MuchelleB, Erin May Henry and Lavendaire to thank.
Minimalism isn't just about decluttering your space, but also decluttering your mind from mental baggage.
There is so much time in the day once you deactivate Instagram and turn off Facebook notifications on your phone. Add Youtube videos to watch later, and if you still want to watch it after some time has past, you'll know it is something you really want. Social media can be the most significant time suck.
The more you do a habit, you continue to strengthen your discipline. For example, if you don't eat a chocolate bar today, it will be easier to say no again in the future.
Enjoy where you are now, even if it's something like living with your parents. Try to make the most of saving, even if you don't feel "grown-up."
Horrible people are a reflection of how they see themselves. The way you see the world is a reflection of how you view yourself. Try not to think about it, because "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
It's never as bad as it seems. You aren't stuck, you have options, and you can change your life. "You are one decision away from a totally different life." Another favourite quote, "one day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide" Brene Brown.
Not all things that end are a waste of time. You might feel like you wasted your time in a relationship or project that didn't work out. But they are all factors making up who you are. I love Esther Perel and Matthew Hussey for relationship advice.
Trust your gut feeling! Stop painting those red flags pink.
In life, you regret the chances you didn't take. Just think of how different your life would be if you didn't take that job, meet that person or watch that documentary; which all influenced your life in some way.
You have to live with the decisions you make; if you regret something, say sorry. Don't have an ego when it comes to admitting you're wrong.
Wealth isn't just money: it's your relationships, how you get to spend your time, your health, and so much more. Having these other things in life can save you money.
Small frivolous spending adds up; this includes the $1 thick shake on the mymaccas app.
Don't let one bad experience from the past deter you; it doesn't mean similar situations will also be negative.
Patience is a virtue. Small things like traffic, queues, or someone not understanding what you are saying. Don't let little things that are out of your control annoy you.
Listen more than you talk.
Being single can be so freeing; you can do what you want without consulting someone. Don't see it as a bad thing.
If you are bad at something, you can get better; you just have to work at it.
You only stick at things you are passionate about. Anyone who ever started something was bad at it first, don't let not being good enough be a reason to stop you from doing something.
It feels good to get a good nights sleep, eat well and exercise; you make better decisions, are less anxious, and work so much better.
Whenever you are feeling down think of how strong you were when you got through a rough patch; you can do it again.
In hard times always ask yourself what this lesson is trying to teach you.
Tie activities you don't enjoy with something enjoyable, i.e. treadmill and youtube/tv, cleaning and podcasts. My favourite podcasts have been: Call Her Daddy, My Millennial Money and Mammamia Outloud. Favourite TV shows: Killing Eve Season 1, On Becoming a God In Central Florida (free on SBS) & Shark Tank Australia. It’s always a challenge trying to find a good tv show or movie that is free. Otherwise,I borrow movies from the library, even though there is a wait, or using someone else’s Netflix.
You will always have struggles; that's life. You could have money and still have struggles, different problems to other people but still have issues nonetheless.
If you don't cringe at things you have done in the past, you haven't grown.